pp108 : addItems Method

addItems Method

This method adds a list of items under the root node or the selected node of the tree.


oNewItemsArray = treeID.root.addItems(oItemsDefinitionArray)

When called from a node other than root, the syntax is as follows:

oNewItemsArray = treeNode.addItems(oItemsDefinitionArray)





Required. Object that points to an array containing XMLDOM objects that contains the items to be added in the tree node.

Return Value

Returns an array of newly added items .


The return array contains, at the same relative location, the tree items that were created from the XMLDOM objects. If the XMLDOM object did not result in a tree item, null is returned at the position in the array. Adding items in bulk through this method enhances the performance of the tree.


The following example shows the usage of the above defined method.

<!-- Template of the item to be added to the tree -->
<script type="cordys/xml" id="newItemTemplate">
             <caption> JavaScript</caption>
//Function that adds item to the existing tree
function addNewItem()
   //Add a list of items, that depends on the new schema
   var newItemsArray = cordys.selectXMLNodes(newItemTemplate.XMLDocument,"./*[local-name()='Favourites']/*[local-name()='Favourite']");
   //Add the items using addItems function to the selected item
   //Add the same items to the selected node also
    //Expand the selected item after addition

See Also

tree, treeSchema, addSchemaItem, addItem